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自2024年1月10日起,迪士尼對已獲得授權(FAMA)的工廠(chǎng), 將接受SLCP驗證報告。既不限定工廠(chǎng)類(lèi)型與產(chǎn)品類(lèi)別,也不限定驗證機構。具體要求如迪士尼郵件通知(見(jiàn)附錄),郵件的翻譯如下:

自2024年1月10日起,迪士尼對許可采購國的授權工廠(chǎng), 將接受社會(huì )與勞工融合項目(SLCP)驗證報告以滿(mǎn)足迪士尼 ILS 審核要求。



1. SLCP驗證日期后,需6個(gè)月內在FFC平臺進(jìn)行轉換;

2. SLCP驗證報告必須包括SLCP數據收集工具step2或step3所完成的數據。僅包含step1所完成數據的SLCP驗證報告不可接受;

3. SLCP驗證必須包括完整的審核范圍(例如:涵蓋所有人員、物理區域、所需文件)。

4. 只有已獲得迪士尼生產(chǎn)授權(FAMA)的工廠(chǎng)才能提交SLCP驗證報告。如果您不確定某工廠(chǎng)是否已獲得授權,請聯(lián)系您的迪士尼ILS代表。

5. 請注意ILS審核報告被視為“合格”的條件可參見(jiàn)《ILS Program Manual》

如果SLCP驗證報告不符合轉換條件,您可能會(huì )被收取報告轉換費用。


向您的ILS代表發(fā)送電子郵件,要求提交SLCP驗證報告,并提供工廠(chǎng)名稱(chēng)、工廠(chǎng)ILS編號、授權商/中間商名稱(chēng)、授權商/中間商ILS編號,說(shuō)明您是否是FFC會(huì )員,以及迪士尼可用于創(chuàng )建授權商/中間商賬戶(hù)和登錄的電子郵箱地址。請注意,迪士尼ILS將與FFC共享這些信息,您的信息將根據FFC的隱私政策進(jìn)行處理。然后,您的ILS代表將告知您通過(guò)FFC轉換SLCP驗證報告的流程。

如果SLCP驗證報告顯示工廠(chǎng)不符合迪士尼ILS MCS要求,您將被要求在120天內提交一份合格的ILS審核報告,以證明符合MCS要求。


Starting January 10, 2024, Disney will accept Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) assessment reports to meet the Disney ILS Audit report requirements for authorized facilities in permitted sourcing countries.

If you are interested in providing Disney ILS with SLCP assessment reports, note that they must be converted through the Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) platform before being sent to Disney. Disney will cover the cost of conversion. If the SLCP assessment is on the HIGG/Worldly platform then an additional cost of 60 USD will need to be paid by the facility to share the assessment report with the FFC.

The SLCP assessment report must be qualified for conversion and meet the following requirements:

? The SLCP assessment date must be no more than 6 months prior to the FFC conversion date.   

? The SLCP assessment report must include data completed for Step 2 or Step 3 in the SLCP Data Collection Tool*. An SLCP assessment report that only includes data completed for Step 1 of the tool is not acceptable.   

? The SLCP assessment must include the complete audit scope (e.g., covering all personnel, physical area, required documents).    

? Only facilities that are currently authorized by Disney for production may submit an SLCP assessment report. If you are not sure whether a facility has been authorized, please contact your Disney ILS representative.  

? Please note that additional conditions for an ILS audit report to be considered “qualified” are available in the ILS Program Manual.

If the SLCP assessment report does not qualify for conversion, you may be invoiced for the conversion cost.

If your SLCP assessment report meets the above requirements, then you should:

Email your ILS representative to request submission of the SLCP assessment report with the facility name, facility ILS number, licensee/vendor name, licensee/vendor ILS number, indicating whether you are a FFC member and an email address that Disney can use to create the license/vendor account and login. Please be advised that Disney ILS will share this information with FFC and your information will be processed in accordance with FFC’s privacy policy.

Your ILS representative will then inform you of the process to get the SLCP assessment report converted through the FFC.

If the SLCP assessment report indicates that the facility fails to meet Disney ILS MCS requirements, you will be asked to submit a qualified ILS audit within 120 days to demonstrate MCS compliance.



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